Friday, September 25, 2009

District 9

hmmm it has been a long time since I've written anything on my blog....

well many things have changed and shifted ^^ for the better or worst... this is something that no one knows..... till the day comes... so juz get on with living and be happy.....

hmmm welll went to watch DISTRICT 9 .... juz before the show was about to be removed from screening...

seriously.... I don't really wish to watch this show at the initial stage.... then went online to see the reviews.... and of coz my guy wanna to watch the show... so as his girl.... I went ahead to watch that show....

well... to my surprise.... though I did not know who are those artistes...the show was worth watching... alot of discussion points found in this show.... aliens found in mother earth...... and they had been living in this planet named EARTH for 2 decades....

anyway I would not comment on the story... yet on what I have gotta from the show.. racial discrimination.... hahaha.. ya of coz this is the main component of the movie!!.....

coz aliens are considered as other races.....and thru the flim... the producers wanna us to understand that racial discrimination.... and other sorts of discrimination....are creating massive problems..... well these are the harsh facts of life.... yet how many pple would agree upon and act on it... with so many world crisis at hand.... would pple be able to understand the need to leave in peaceful envt?

tough.... i guess... coz most of the pple are blinded by the immediate/ present situation.... and would not be able to take a step back to reflect what has happened along the way... not many pple are able to that... and it is very saddening....